I saw the most beautiful rainbow last evening. It seemed to appear out of nowhere but it was crystal clear in the sky and gave me goose bumps looking at it. Later that night it rained and stormed terribly and today it's summer skies and beautiful! Life can be like that. Out of nowhere a beautiful surpise like a rainbow and then difficulties and fears like a storm and then easy going and lovely like a spring day. If we/I remember this will it make dealing with issues easier? I would like to believe so but in the moment we tend to get stuck on the stormy skies and thunder. We never think they'll be another pretty day when in fact blue skies will always follow a storm. I want to appreciate wonderful surprises like rainbows and know that my pot of gold may be a lesson well learnt, a delightful experience or a precious memory. Despite any changes remember to enjoy the many moments of your life.